The 2024 Locally Grown Guide release is more than a month away, but its cover is so special we had to share it early. This 2024 edition marks its 5th anniversary. For this milestone, we celebrate some of the champions of the Guide and its role in our thriving regional food system since the beginning.
The newest Guide’s cover features a painting of Squash Blossom Farm by Judy Stolzfus (who designs each edition), which was originally created for an Atkinsons’ Markets reusable grocery bag. The beautiful scene celebrates the power of partnerships and the hardworking, passionate people who make local food and this Guide possible!

For five years, the Wood River Valley’s Locally Grown Guide has invited users to experience the farms, food businesses, and organizations that create the distinctive flavor of our community. Published annually, the free guide connects residents and visitors to high-quality seasonal food produced in our regional foodshed.
Why is this so important? With the majority of our food being imported, and the majority of our farmland used to grow food for export, most of our food dollars are lost to the industrial agriculture system. Our region’s reliance on imports and exports can be easily disrupted, putting strain on farming families and creating economic volatility for our community.
We can change this system! We can create a thriving community with greater farmer income, healthier air, water, soil, and wholesome and nutrient-dense foods available year-round. By supporting local farmers and food businesses, we can each do our part to guarantee an ample supply of nourishing food for our community; ensure vibrant and prosperous farmers markets; preserve farmland; and scale up regenerative agriculture to maximize food quality and combat the global climate crisis.
For more information about the 2024 Locally Grown Guide or to become a sponsor, email