Shooting Star Farm broke ground in the spring of 2000 in Hailey, Idaho, with husband and wife team Dan Freeman and Carol Murphy at the helm. A tiny one-acre farm, Shooting Star Farm is located on the north end of Hailey, the closest farm to Hailey, Ketchum, and Sun Valley. All our business is conducted within a 10-mile radius, keeping it very local. Simply seed, sun, soil, compost, water, and hands. We’ve been building this soil with compost and cover crops for 20 years, and you can taste the difference! Come by for the tastiest, freshest vegetables you’ll ever enjoy!
Available Products
seasonal vegetables, seasonal fruits, leafy greens, flowers
Available at
Direct from farmer, CK’s Real Food, Kraay’s Market & Garden, Sawtooth Brewery, Wood River Farmers Markets