Idaho’s finest guest ranch – Nestled amidst Idaho’s snow-capped Rocky Mountain peaks and the meandering Salmon River, the Idaho Rocky Mountain Ranch has flourished as a western ranch vacation retreat for 80 years.
The living history of the Old West mingles with the solitude and peace of this 900-acre ranch offering freedom, breathtaking natural beauty, and a relaxed atmosphere. And the view from the porch? Well, you just have to experience that for yourself.
Dining - The business offers an in-restaurant dining experience.
Local Beverages- The business offers beverage choices from Idaho producers.
Vegan & Vegetarian Friendly - The business offers options for those whose diets exclude animal products.
Silver Basket - 5-9 local producers
FREE Business Listing
The Wood River Valley Locally Grown Guide
The Wood River Valley Locally Grown Guide is a free marketing tool for businesses who grow, use, and promote locally grown food. The Guide reaches over 15,000 people annually.
Being listed is free for your business and only requires filling out a short survey.
Once approved your local food business will appear immediately on and in the 2025 Locally Grown Guide printed edition.